Community Involvement

A Thank You Letter to Our First Responders

Thank You

No one could have predicted the scope or ferocity of the Fort McMurray fire. We will never forget the images that are forever burned into our memory.

Nor will we forget the dedication of individuals who risked their lives to save ours.

Thank you to all the men and women who fought from the air and on the ground to contain and minimize the destructive force of this fire. These people sacrificed more than we will ever know. Their commitment to keeping us safe while protecting our homes and our way of life will always be remembered and appreciated.

Thank you to the law enforcement personnel and volunteers who put themselves in harm's way to protect us, our families, our homes and our businesses. Thank you to all Canadians who rallied to support us in our hour of need. [Read More]

"Reuniting Ruby" - A Lost Dog Story

Thank You

Few things can compare with the feelings of relief and joy upon being reunited with a pet who has gone missing, especially after a tragic event such as the Fort Mac fires. The comfort of loved ones, including those on four feet, is so important. Many unplanned things can happen during an evacuation, and local families around our store had to quickly evacuate their homes as the wildfire was rapidly advancing on the city.

After "the beast" wildfire had left Fort McMurray, the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo allowed us to return to our store - deemed an essential service - to get it operational before the residents began returning to their homes.

Upon returning to the store, we found a visitor in our lumberyard who had decided the stacked pile of wood was an invitation to make herself comfortable. Taking refuge from the commotion and chaos of the move, a beautiful, well-groomed black and tan dog was hanging around the outside of our store. [Read More]